That's All, Folks!

(Photo by Tod Tamberg, by way of LA Observed.)
And so it goes. The ghosts of Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Sammy Davis Jr., the Academy Awards and the hundreds and hundreds of others who once graced the stage of the Cocoanut Grove now have no place to go.
As LA Observed reports, the final tear down of the Ambassador Hotel has begun.
As you're well aware, the final challenge to the LAUSD wound down at the end of last year, paving the way for the school district to tear down the last remaining part of the hotel.
Your Blob Is Very Good
What A Nice Blog
This is a Wonderful Blog
Are they going to leave that gorgeous entrance with the curve above it? I see it there, in the photo, standing by itself. I thought that was very elegant, to walk through that, with the clock above. Where is the clock?
I am so glad I moved out of L.A. and no longer help fund awful, wasteful things like this.
They do the same thing here in Detroit. We had the Statler Hotel that, like the Ambassador, was a temporary home to world leaders, famous actors, and talented performers. It sat rotting with neglect and was finally pulled down last year regardless of the fact that the building was structurally sound. Just be thankful that your city is not a mess like Detroit. There are hundreds of other "Ambassadors" waiting to be torn down here.
clock is getting restored.
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